jakis czas temu pytalem sie ich kiedy wypuszcza skiny dla Magic'a i odpisali, ze pod koniec grudnia. Ostatnio sie wkurzylem i znowu ich o to pytam, a dokladniej to co napisalem:
The following information was submitted on the web site:
CONTACTEMAIL: logimen@xxxxx.pl
CONTACTSUBJECT: Other (Please Specify)
QUESTION: When you want to release some skins for HTC MyTouch 3G aka Magic/Sapphire ? Last time I asked for thiis, you said that in this month = december. But so far I only see new skins for Droid, Blackberry 9700 etc. :/
Like other peoples I also want to enjoy my phone with fresh new skins. Think about this.
i oto co dostalem w odpowiedzi:
Hi Artur,
Thank you for contacting us with your suggestion. This device is currently being worked on! We hope to release it by the end of January.
I do apologize that you were looking forward to it by now. Things are a little crazy during the holiday season.
We use our facebook page to notify about our releases - if your on facebook please facebook us!!
Osobiscie mam nadzieje, ze dotrzymaja slowa i pojawia sie skiny dla Magic'a w styczniu/lutym. Bylo by super :-)