•Based on latest stock i8190NXANF2 firmware
•Support for all models I8190/N/L
Included kernels:
XXANF3 for I8190
XXANF2 for I8190N
UBANE1 for I8190L
for I8190 - XXANC2
for I8190N - XXAND1
for I8190L - UBANA2
•AROMA Installer - you can customize the entire installation process
•Debloated from every single Samsung bloatware and Google Play installable apps
•Pre-rooted with Chainfire's SuperSU
•Pre-installed busybox
•Integrated my latest S5 theme
•S5 ported recent apps (thanks to Vivek Neal)
•S5 ringtones, alarms and system sounds
•S5 bootanimation
•S5 Themed Weather Widget (thanks to brink94@mail.ru )
•S5 Lockscreen animation
•S4 keyboard (white) set as default keyboard
•Viper4Android FX version v2.3.2.6
•Every single app was updated to its latest version to spare memory from updates - New 4.8.20 Play Store
•Init.d support & scripts for better battery life and performance (thanks to Sale)
•Build.prop tweaks
•Zipalign on boot
•Enabled call recording
•TW Launcher mods - enabled rotation + home screen wallpaper scrolling
•Enabled 4 Lockscreen shortcuts
•Enabled Water Ripple Effect on Lockscreen
•Camera & Camcorder hacks: Adding "Shutter Sound On/Off" in menu
•SMS hack: SMS 200 recipients, stop SMS to MMS auto-converting, increase SMS hour limit,
1000 slides, group messages, scheduled messages and save/restore messages
•Enabled Folder view in message app
•Advanced reboot menu
•Long press menu button kill app
•Custom wallpapers (modded default wallpaper chooser)
•KitKat Gradient Statusbar (home screen + app drawer+ lockscreen)
•Adding Exit and Home button in default web browser
•Hide Update Software option from Settings menu
•Allowed custom bootanimations
•Rearranged Quick Panel Toggles - Added AirPlane Mode + Smart Stay
•Enabled sub-symbols on stock keyboard - Long press to insert symbol
•KitKat Gradient Statusbar
•KitKat Gradient Statusbar + CenterClock
•Sense Style Task Manager
•Sense Style Task Manager + KK Gradient Statusbar
•Sense Style Task Manager + KK Gradient Statusbar + Center Clock
•Default Non Gradient Statusbar
(if you don't like gradient mods and want revert back to default style)
•Note 3 Keyboard - Light
•Note 3 Keyboard - Dark
•Boot Sound Disabler
•Centered Clock on Lockscreen
•Circle battery icon with percentage
•Note 3 Keyboard - Light
•Note 3 Keyboard - Dark
•Boot Sound Disabler
•Android 5.0 Keyboard
Android 5.0 Bootanimation
Android 5.0 System Sounds
1 - Download the ROM
2 - Put the zip file in your internal/ext Sd card
3 - Reboot in recovery
4 - Flash the ROM
5 - Follow the instructions on the AROMA installer
6 - Wait for the process to finish and reboot
[ROM][sTOCK JB 4.1.2][i8190/N/L]★R-Mod… | Galaxy S III Mini | XDA Forum