-Redesign of the ROM interface.
-fast OpenGL rendering. (Neocore: 28.0 Fps !!!)
-SD:apps capacity appears in Settings.
-USB-tether appears in Settings (but it won't work w/ me .. Wifi tether is a better alternative!)
-Fake "Launcher2" .. or "Launcher2 wannabe" << smoother than the old one, at least
-Market graphics bug is fixed .. (thanks to ismaskin )
** LiveWallpapers bug:
-fixed installation process "update-script"
-fixed Dead Lockscreen..
-fix Mount USB
-fix Network Location
- .. everything that worked in 0.4 should work here now
---> latest Benchmarks (Softweg): GPU=120.8 , CPU=158.6 , Mem.=112.9 , FS=33.8
-fixed battery drain.
-more Optimized Framework
-lighter system. now you get 163MB after fresh install.
-larger APN list.
-Separated 3rd party apps in /data ..
-DELETED PROXY SENSORS << a lot of people requested that
** but still couldn't fix the 3gp video issue
-fixed "no comment" thingy in Market..
-Camera @ 5MP thanks to the Hero yneveu
-days in Alarm are not numbers anymore, will appear as "Sat, Sun .."
-Maps 4.0 .. by default!
-Launcher2 separated in another "flashable" (.zip) file..
-FLAC support .. but I didn't test it yet! (need your feedback)
- .. some other stuff that I dont remember
-Optimized Framework and some apps
-ported Wes Garner Live wallpapers fix (Magic Smoke now works !!)
-"Maps" and "RetroClock" on /data (to ease updating)
-the default wallpaper is the one in the screenshot
-new "Unknown caller" pic << you'll love this
-initial design of the bootscreen .. need optimizing later
-Facebook sync
-Launcher2 (but still buggy!!!!!)