witam. nie umiem wgrać systemu nowego wyskakuję mi taki problem
17/031/2015 12:31:20 - INFO - For flashtool, Unknown Sources and Debugging must be checked in phone settings
niestety nie umiem włączyć debugowania bo telefon mi się nie chce włączyć, uruchamia się tylko do loga ROM'a i na tym stoi. walcze z nim już z tydzień i trace nadzieje ze co kolwiek moge jeszcze zrobić zeby go naprawic. tutaj jest cały log. Probowałem innych systemów.
17/027/2015 12:27:01 - INFO - Flashtool Version built on 29-07-2015 12:00:00
17/027/2015 12:27:01 - INFO - Executing search strategies to find proxy selector
17/027/2015 12:27:02 - INFO - No proxy found for IE. Trying next one
17/027/2015 12:27:02 - INFO - Strategy firefox failed trying next one : No Firefox installation found
17/027/2015 12:27:02 - INFO - No proxy found for java. Trying next one
17/027/2015 12:27:02 - INFO - Syncing devices from github
17/027/2015 12:27:04 - INFO - Scanning devices folder for changes.
17/027/2015 12:27:19 - INFO - Pulling changes from github.
17/027/2015 12:27:19 - INFO - Devices sync finished.
17/027/2015 12:27:20 - INFO - Device disconnected
17/027/2015 12:27:57 - INFO - Selected Bundle for Sony Xperia Z1 (C6903). FW release : Lollipop 5.1.1. Customization : GLOBAL-LTA
17/027/2015 12:27:57 - INFO - Preparing files for flashing
17/030/2015 12:30:44 - INFO - Please connect your device into flashmode.
17/031/2015 12:31:18 - INFO - Device connected in flash mode
17/031/2015 12:31:18 - INFO - Opening device for R/W
17/031/2015 12:31:18 - INFO - Reading device information
17/031/2015 12:31:18 - INFO - Phone ready for flashmode operations.
17/031/2015 12:31:18 - INFO - Opening TA partition 2
17/031/2015 12:31:19 - INFO - Current device : Unknown: Sep 13 2013/15:42:03 - CB5126AUM5 - Unknown: Sep 13 2013/15:42:03 - Unknown: Sep 13 2013/15:42:03 - Unknown: Sep 13 2013/15:42:03
17/031/2015 12:31:19 - INFO - Closing TA partition
17/031/2015 12:31:19 - INFO - Start Flashing
17/031/2015 12:31:19 - INFO - Processing loader.sin
17/031/2015 12:31:19 - INFO - Checking header
17/031/2015 12:31:19 - INFO - Flashing data
17/031/2015 12:31:19 - INFO - Loader : S1_Root_6732 - Version : LOADER_RELEASE_MSM8974_32_AID_4 / Boot version : S1_Boot_MSM8974_Rhine1.3_LA1.04_11 / Bootloader status : ROOTED
17/031/2015 12:31:20 - INFO - Transfer buffer size : 262144
17/031/2015 12:31:20 - INFO - Parsing boot delivery
17/031/2015 12:31:20 - INFO - You must have the according fsc script to flash this device.
17/031/2015 12:31:20 - INFO - Flashing finished.
17/031/2015 12:31:20 - INFO - Please unplug and start your phone
17/031/2015 12:31:20 - INFO - For flashtool, Unknown Sources and Debugging must be checked in phone settings