Known Issues:
- LWPs break when using 3D Kernel
- Userinit is still being overridden by SpareParts
- CompCache changes in SpareParts require reboot
- Video still not working
- Menu to unlock is not enabled
- Phone app's on-screen touch buttons may cause problems
Change Log
OpenEclair - v1.3.0 - 04/02/2010
- WG-Kernel 5 v0.8:
* Completely fresh and clean
* Fixed Bluetooth
* Has option to use 3D or RAMHack
* Updated WiFi Drivers to help battery life
- Does NOT require DangerSPL (also fixes install errors)
- Fixed CompCache problems where would not load or would require reboot
- Fixed issues with Su
- Removed all the duplicate ringtones (may have to reset your notification and ringtone sounds)
- Fixed GenieWidget
- Fixed Market troubles