Cosmic-OS toCustom ROM oparty na Android Open Source Project (AOSP).Powstał w celu osiągnięcia niesamowitego połączenia wydajności, personalizacjii nowych funkcji dla Twojego telefonu.
Wymagany odblokowany bootloader oraz TWRP.
Uwaga!!!! Wgrywasz ten ROM na własną odpowiedzialność !!!! Nie odpowiadam za ewentualne uszkodzenie telefonu.
Initial Release & Features :-Based On Google Android 7.0.0_r19 releaseCosmic-OS Customizations:Statusbar customizationsBrightness SliderEnable/Disable Show Notification CountSuperUser Indicator SwitchDouble Tap To sleep StatusbarCarrier LabelCarrier Label SwitchClock CustomizationsTime & dateDay & date ToogleCenter/Right/Left Clock ChoiceDate FormatBattery % TextNetwork Traffic IndicatorNetwork Traffic Arrows SwitchIncoming/OutGoing TrafficStatusbar Cosmic LogoCosmic logo ColorCosmic logo PositionStatusBar TickerTicker Text colorTicker Icon ColorAnimationsToast AnimationsListView AnimationsSystem AnimationsPower Menu AnimationsMisc AnimationsGesturesRecents PanelFull Screen RecentsRecents StylesOmniSwitchClock WidgetCLock And Alarm CustomizationsWeather Panel CustomizationsCalender EventsNavbar TunerLockScreen CustomizationsLockscreen Bottom ShortcutsLockscreen General Shorcuts100+ Icons for ShortcutsLockscreen Media Art/Enable DisableQuick PIN/Pattern UnlockLockScreen WallpaperLockscreen Weather WidgetLockscreen Icons ColorQuick Settings Draggable TilesCustomizable TilesDyanamic Tiles AdjustmentNumber of columns/rowsTile AnimationsNotification DrawerLongPress Toogles to Enter SettingsDisable Immersive Mode MessagesForce Expand NotificationQuick PullDownSmart PulldownButtons CustomisationsAdvanced Reboot MenuPower Menu CustomizationsPower OffReboot(Recovery, Bootloader, Soft Reboot)ScreenShotPower Menu End Calls SwitchRestart SystemUIAirplane ModeScreenRecordOn the Go ModeSound PanelLong Press ActionsDouble Tap ActionsMenu Button(For devices with HW keys Only)Volume ButtonsWake Up DevicePlayback ControlRingtone Volume ControlSwap Buttons on Landscape modeVolume Key AnswerMiscellaneousClock ShortcutCamera Shutter Sound Enable/DisableSystemUI Tuner Icon SettingsEnabled By defaultRemoved Demo mode and Tweaked SystemUI Tuner As compared To AOSPStatusBar Icons CustmizationsQuick Settings CustomizationsOther FeaturesPerfomance ProfilesLCD DensityExpanded Desktop ModeHeads Up Switch and customizationsNight ModeConfigurable 0,90,180,270 Degree RotationLock Screen Autorotate SwitchBattery Light CustomizationsNotification Light CustomizationsFont SizePerformance Tweaks(Kernel Aduitor Inbuilt)CM root inbuiltPixel LauncherSubstratumOverall Smoothness ImprovementsOptimizations to Improve BatteryIncludes All Android Nougat FeaturesIncludes ALL CM-14 FeaturesAND MUCH MUCH MORE
Znane błędy:
-Cosmic-OS Logo is not Proper
Cosmic-OS Google+
Ważne informacje:
ROM Source:
Cosmic OS Website:
Kernel Source:
Pobierz :
Pobierz OpenGapps
BEFORE USING SUBSTRATUM THEMES, Flash THEME READY GAPPS to see your google apps get themed properly.
Instalacja:1.Pobieramy ROM i GAPPS.2.Kopiujemy pobrane plikido pamięci telefonu3. UruchamiamyTWRP4.Full wipe (Dalvik Cache, Cache, System, Factory Data Reset)5.FlashujemyROM i gapps6.Reboot