Witam mam problem z wgraniem oprogramowania otóż sciagam przez XperiFirm i przy wgraniu nowym flashtoolem wywala błądERROR - Processing of system.sin finished with errors a jak robie starszym to ze niema pliku loader.sin w pcc chce naprawic oprogramowanie bo tel wisi na logo sony to wywala błądUEUpdateFailed UE_2005.
Jakieś pomysły ???
Zrobiłem na nowo pliki ftf dla sieci Play i Ce1.
I w flashtoolu mam tak
22/039/2017 01:39:50 - INFO - Selected Bundle for Sony Xperia E5(F3311). FW release : 37.0.A.2.108_R3A. Customization : CE1
22/039/2017 01:39:50 - INFO - Preparing files for flashing
22/040/2017 01:40:22 - INFO - Please connect your device into flashmode.
22/040/2017 01:40:29 - INFO - Device connected in flash mode
22/040/2017 01:40:29 - INFO - Opening device for R/W
22/040/2017 01:40:29 - INFO - Reading device information
22/040/2017 01:40:29 - INFO - Phone ready for flashmode operations.
22/040/2017 01:40:29 - INFO - Opening TA partition 2
22/040/2017 01:40:29 - INFO - Current device : F3311 - RQ3003NAW4 - 1302-9572_R8A - 1301-9750_37.0.A.2.108 - GENERIC_37.0.A.2.108
22/040/2017 01:40:29 - INFO - Closing TA partition
22/040/2017 01:40:29 - INFO - Start Flashing
22/040/2017 01:40:29 - INFO - No loader in the bundle. Searching for one
22/040/2017 01:40:29 - INFO - No matching loader found
22/040/2017 01:40:29 - WARN - No loader found or set manually. Skipping loader
22/040/2017 01:40:29 - INFO - Loader : S1_Root_8c38 - Version : S1_Boot_MT6735_M0.MP16_24 / Boot version : S1_Boot_MT6735_M0.MP16_24 / Bootloader status : ROOTABLE
22/040/2017 01:40:29 - INFO - Max packet size set to 512K
22/040/2017 01:40:29 - INFO - USB buffer size set to 512K
22/040/2017 01:40:29 - INFO - Parsing boot delivery
22/040/2017 01:40:29 - INFO - No flash script found.
22/040/2017 01:40:29 - INFO - Flash script is mandatory. Closing session
22/040/2017 01:40:29 - INFO - Ending flash session
22/040/2017 01:40:29 - INFO - Flashing finished.
22/040/2017 01:40:29 - INFO - Please unplug and start your phone
22/040/2017 01:40:29 - INFO - For flashtool, Unknown Sources and Debugging must be checked in phone settings
22/040/2017 01:40:30 - INFO - Device connected in flash mode
Za kolejnym razem wyskakujeERROR - Processing of system.sin finished with errors.
Edit: na innym kompie w XPC ruszyło ale błąd z system.sin jest nada.