If you don't manage what you already have well, your life will never add any value. Managing your finances every day will help you build great habits and benefit your life. In fact, there are many useful applications to help you manage your personal spending optimally and conveniently such as Mint, Clarity Money ..., and now I will recommend Money Manager , a very good application that people appreciate so you have more choices for yourself.
Money Manager an application with a simple design makes the application light and very easy to use. This application is not bothered by ads, has no feature limitations like other management apps but still ensures to meet your daily needs such as revenue and expenditure management, multi-wallet support, detailed statistics and backup and restore via Google account.
Everyone can use it, download it and explore the functions of Money Manager together!
Main function:
- Keep track of revenues and expenditures.
- Support creating multiple wallets (sources of money).
- Track in multiple currencies.
- Editing of previous records.
- Fast, simple operation, you do not need to fill anything except the amount.
- Statistics and detailed reports on the situation of revenues and expenditures, total income or expenditure in the period.
- Backup / Restore via Google account.
Support for Android 4.4 and above
Version: v1.0.1
Size: 12 MB
Download link: