Ok od dzisiaj stratuje aktualizacja do wersji h-mr2?
Dzisiaj trafi na 10% urządzeń, potem stopniowo na wszystkie, całość ma zająć 4 dni, mniej więcej w takim harmonogramie:
10%: 19.04
30%: 20.04
50%: 23.04
100%: 24.04
TicWatch Pro 3 Wear OS H-MR2 Update Changelog:
New features
Option to disable the long-press power button to activate Google Assistant.
New screen brightness layout.
New Weather tile.
New theater mode.
Support regular enter and exit the essential mode.
Optimized the media volume and the ringtone volume bar’s display to match the actual volume.
Optimized the sorting of apps in Mobvoi Launcher.
Optimized the sliding smoothness of Mobvoi Launcher.
Optimized the accuracy of off-body detection.
Improved the performance on Qualcomm Snapdragon Wear 4100 platforms.
Moved the “OK Google” switch from the watch’s settings menu to the Google assistant settings.
Optimized the shutdown charging animation.
Updated security patch to 2021-03-05.
Bug fixed
Fixed the issue that Auto-DND sometimes cannot take effect.
Fixed an issue where the screen may not lock when charging.
Fixed an issue where the Phone app might disappear in Mobvoi Launcher when pairing with an Android phone.
Fixed other discovered bugs.
A teraz największe jaja, wersja LTE z e-sim dostanie update dopiero w okolicach mają/czerwca [emoji134][emoji1787][emoji33]
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