Do szukałem się takich o to informacji:
Secure File Access
With the increasing number of media purchases issued from handhelds, it has become necessary to restrict content distribution without adversely affecting content consumers. This is done through DRM protection on files. The most secure and commonly used standards for file distribution level security are OMA DRM 1.0, OMA DRM 2.0, and WMDRM. All of these are supported by bada through user friendly, open APIs.
Integrity of Applications
With the possibility of freely creating and publishing bada applications in the Samsung Apps store comes the necessity for securing those applications, too. Samsung bada secures the integrity of applications through certification before uploading the app for distribution through the store.
Samsung bada also supports application-level DRM to enforce application licenses only for legitimate users. Therefore, bada application sellers can choose DRM protection for their applications inside of the Samsung Apps store.
Cryptographic Primitives
Samsung bada provides a robust set of cryptography tools to handle various encryption and decryption tasks. Key features include:
Hash functions including Hash Message Authentication Code (HMAC)
Symmetric encryption: Single key
Asymmetric encryption: Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
AES, DES, 3DES and RSA algorithms
Digital signature support
bada also supports the creation of public key certificates (also called digital certificates or identity certificates), which are used to validate the identities of people and organizations.
Więc mimo wieści że Bada jest podobna do Androida.
To jednak Bada jest całkowicie odmienna. A to pod względem systemu zabezpieczeń aplikacji jak i programów na ten system pisanych.
Wątpie by komukolwiek się chciało łamać tak zabezpieczony system
a co dopiero tak pancernie zabezpieczone gry.
Więc moja wizja jest taka że jak nie wyda się ze swojej kieszeni kasy na gre
To się nigdy tego nie będzie miało.
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