FroydVillain 1.0.0 INFO & Release Notes:
REMEMBER - The ROM will only be at peak performance after it's been rebooted a couple of times, and when you've opened your apps once prior.
- As usual, as this is a major increment in ROM, you'll need to perform a FULL WIPE of data and dalvik cache; it is MANDATORY.
The ROM will likely crash until you do this.
- An EXT wipe is recommended, as you will now be running Froyo (2.2), which has access to a slightly different market apps selection.
- adb install won't work on this ROM, until you tick "Unknown Sources" in the Menu > Settings > Applications menu.
This appears to be a new security feature. Similarly, apps pushed to /data/app won't work either. You might not notice the issue, but the app does not get any of its permissions it should have, meaning that it is probably useless, and might FC constantly or whatever. So remember to tick the Unknown Sources box
The stock camera doesn't work properly - it takes photos OK, but it doesn't do live preview. The app "Camera Magic", which is free on the market, works fine, so we recommend that.
- Android Froyo 2.2 with all features, except Flash 10.1
- Based on CM6 - Thanks to Lox
- All hardware (except camera - use Camera Magic) seems to be working flawlessly
- Custom bootscreen
- Custom OC kernel (Thanks to Pulser, with help of Kendon and Ninpo)
- Setup loop as reported in the beta test now resolved (Thanks Pulser)
- Custom FroydVillain Wallpaper + some images
- Works with EXT partition
- All HTC & Stock Android Ringtones, message, alarm, notification tones, etc.
- Great Open GL and overall ROM performance
- Fancy Widget (HTC style clock)
- Launcher Pro or new Launcher 2
That's all I can think of right now. Just play around with it, and let us know what you think!
- Nandroid Backup
- Full Wipe
- Flash the ROM
- Boot
- Install SetCPU & set OC settings as usual
- Reboot
- Enjoy!
Enjoy, and be sure to leave any feedback
Thank you,
The VillainROM team.