Odkryłem niedawno ten program.. mistrzostwo po prostu! Zainstalowałem najpierw serwer z oficjalnej strony Gmote następnie na apke na telefonie, gdzie wykryło mi mój router i tyle. Wszystko działa jak należy.
@lukaz1987 to powinno Ci pomóc choć post sprzed wieków więc to raczej dla potomnych :PP
"The program is designed to support multiple media players. We currently only fully support one player, which is VLC. However, there is an experimental section in the code that allows you to use Windows Media Player instead of VLC. To enable it do the following (but keep in mind that this is a 'beta' feature and doesn't support all of the features of the VLC binding):
From your computer, right click on the Gmote server icon and select 'help', 'show settings and logs folder'
Turn off the gmote server by right clicking on its icon again and selecting 'exit'
Open the file called supported_filetypes.txt
Change any line that says "org.gmote.server.media.vlc.VlcMediaPlayer" to "org.gmote.server.media.windows.WindowsMediaPlayer11Controller"
Turn the server back on by going to start, program files, Gmote Server"